Life Coaching for Weight loss and Wellness

Are you feeling stuck with your health goals?

Wondering why some people achieve their fitness goals effortlessly, while others seem doomed to try, fail and repeat the cycle? I know you probably know what to do, but it’s a matter of doing it (and for more than a couple weeks). 

There is a reason so many fail at achieving their health, fitness, and weight goals. It has nothing to do with willpower and discipline.

It comes back to our neurobiology and our thoughts which are the origin of our behavior. Changing behavior doesn’t work because it’s like cutting the top of a weed. As long as the roots are still there, it is determined to grow back. In the same way, your neurobiology drives you to go back to unhelpful behaviors that are familiar, even  if you hate them!

The goal of coaching is to recalibrate your thoughts and emotions, which are the roots of the behavior you hate, To uproot the old, and plant and water the new. When this happens, the things we want to achieve are also things we genuinely enjoy doing and achieving! 

Maybe you have always hated working out or eating healthy foods. You’ve said, “it’s just who I am!” If that is the case, I’m sorry to say that you set yourself up for failure on a neurobiological level.

But, there is hope! Reaching your health goals with coaching takes the same 4 step process as any other goal.

  1. We have to strengthen the communication and quality of the relationship you have with yourself. In coaching, we call this neurolinguistic programming. That mean voice that shames you and gets angry with you? Yeah, that’s one of the things that has got to go! Why? Because people who beat themselves up over failure are actually more likely to fail than those that don’t. Once we can help that voice see it’s not helping, and change it, it will start to empower you and GIVE you energy! I am here to expertly teach you HOW to change. 
  2. Next, we refine and clarify your health goals and why you want them. Sometimes, as we become kinder to ourselves our goals shift to be more authentic, or even bigger than before!
  3. We move into a phase of consistency. This is where we focus on the practice of rewiring our brain and recalibrating our habits. 
  4. We reach a phase of confidence where we know that we know your goals are able to be maintained even in a difficult week, or when old challenges come up. 

I use my background in psychology, and principles of neuroscience to help people change their relationship with themselves and become a source of empowerment and joy for new health habits!

I combine this with knowledge gained from a college-level Fitness Specialist Program, and 4 years of work experience with individuals with eating disorders in hospital and treatment center settings.

This experience gives me a truly unique approach and understanding of what motivates our habits, thoughts, emotions, and experiences around food, exercise, and wellness.

So, that is the plan, but what is left out? Wishing, hoping, and apathy are not part of the strategy! Neither is starting a new diet plan or following some strict rules. Instead of telling you what to do, I guide you toward figuring out how to do what you already want to do, provide new strategies, and believe in you every step of the way!