The cost for coaching varies widely from $0 to work with a student who has to get someone to practice with or $100,000 to work with a celebrity or internationally known coach. But the deeper question is what kind of coaching is actually WORTH the money for YOU. You might want to save money working with a coach who charges $20, but is it worth it if it wastes your time and money and leaves you feeling further from your goals?
I already know that if your goals didn’t matter to you, then you wouldn’t be reading this blog. So, if you had the option today, what would you pay to reach your goal? That is the amount you should be prepared to invest in a coach that can help you get there.
Some people think of coaching as paying for an hour of time. If you spent $20 to be entertained by a film and watched it for two hours, then you spent $10 an hour and the film won’t give you anything other than those two hours of entertainment. But coaching is very different. Coaching gives you a transformation that can change the course of your life for years to come.
Coaching is much more like a financial investment you might make that brings you compounding interest each month. (Although, you are the only thing you can ever be certain you will have each day of your life. This makes you much more useful, and valuable than money is to you!)
If your goal is to get another job and coaching helps you do this, you may save yourself years of working at a lower wage, and get there faster, which would give you time to be promoted several more times in your career.
If coaching helps you reach your health goals, you may save thousands on medical bills, help you do more of what you love, and get to spend more quality time with the people you love.
If coaching helps you feel more confident so you can take risks, follow your dreams and live a phenomenal life for the next several decades, how much is THAT worth?
Could you get quality coaching that leads to those changes for a small price? And, if you could (which research and anecdotal evidence say is very unlikely), why haven’t you? The most successful people in the world hire a team of experts to help them. They know if they want success, they have to be willing to invest in it.
Coaching helps people achieve a priceless quality of life changes. These cannot be bought anywhere else. I have experienced this working with coaches myself, and it is the experience clients communicate to me when they work with me.
Here is a better question: how much has the coach you are thinking of hiring invested in themself? I personally have invested hundreds of thousands in my education to earn a doctorate in psychology, four different certificates, and my own coaching. It has been worth it to me. I am now living my dream life, and I know you can, too!